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Facebook Pixel Tracking + Shopify Training Course Day #3

Updated: Jun 21, 2022

Welcome to Day #3 of our Shopify Training Course! Today we delve into Facebook Pixel tracking training!

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Facebook Pixel Tracking 101

Facebook Pixel tracking can be confusing at times, but we have built an entire course around the Facebook Ad platform.

Get access to ALL of our top-rated Facebook Ads and online marketing courses at: Join our FREE Facebook Marketing Course: How to Develop Effective Organic and Paid Strategies


In this video, we are going to talk about the Facebook pixel tracking because its hard to leverage Facebook if you are not actually tracking everything that happens on your website inside of Facebook. And that’s what the Facebook pixel tracking does.

The Facebook pixel tracking has 4 main functions and we are actually going to be implementing this pixel under your Shopify store. What’s cool is that Shopify has made it really easy for you. I will show you that on the next video so for now the 4 main functions are:

Conversion tracking, so you can see how successful an advertisement is, by seeing what happened as a direct result of your advertisement.

Optimization, so you can automatically bid for conversions after you set up your pixel. For example, you can say “Facebook give me more people or put my ad in front of more people who are likely to converge or who are likely to add a product to the cart” So you can tell them to optimize for the result that you want.

Re-marketing, which allows you to kind of, when someone visits on your website, put them on a Facebook audience list, and then send them another ad if they don’t buy. So someone visits your offer page and they still around for a while but don’t make a purchase, you can actually follow-up with them and show them another advertisement saying “Hey, don’t forget about my product” And you do that by leveraging the Facebook pixel.

Then there is Lookalike creation, so you can use the Facebook pixel tracking to kind of create new customers and audiences of new customers who are similar to people who already have shopped from you or being your website and added a product to the cart. I’ll be talking about this as we go into actually setting this up.

But first, I just want to show you the Facebook dashboard and some of the pixel data that it shows up. In the next video we are going to ahead and actually implement this pixel on your store.

So here I am in the Facebook dashboard for one of my Shopify stores and I’m on the pixels section. The way I got here was by going to my Facebook’s ad manager. It is Once I got in here I select it {Pixels} from my tool’s list, under ‘Assets’ I selected Pixels.

As you can see here I got all this data going on. How my pixels fire, I can see the different events, i.e. someone viewed content or, if I scroll down someone added a product to the cart. We can see that this in the last 7 days here, so someone added to the cart 16,000 times in the last 7 days. I had 9,000 purchases so 9,000 people actually buy from my store in the last 7 days. The reason that is so high is we are actually running a promotion right now. I can see the URLs and the domain this pixel is firing on: this pixel is on And I see a bunch of data about my pixel and something that’s even cooler is that when we dig on the pixel data, we can also see what products people viewed and things like that.

We will get into that later. For now, that’s what the Facebook pixel does and that’s why it’s imperative that we actually have it implemented on your Shopify store.

So, meet me on the next video where we actually implement the Facebook pixel tracking on your Shopify store. I’ll see you there.

How to Add Facebook Pixel Tracking to a Shopify Store


Hey Ezra here. And in this video we are actually going to implement Facebook pixel tracking on your Shopify store.

What’s beautiful is that Shopify has a native integration to Facebook and that makes it so easy to implement your Facebook pixel tracking on your Shopify store and get all of the data that you need.

So the first thing you are going to need is a Facebook account. So let’s head on into Facebook and I will show what an account looks like.

All right so, here I am inside of my Facebook account. You can see we spend a lot of money on Facebook. We are averaging around 10,000 dollars per day in ad spent right now and we are returned many times that in sales on our store.

I went to And that where you will want to go to create your Facebook account if you don’t have one. Most of you have a Facebook account, so once you have a Facebook account what you want to do is: From the drop-down menu, click on All Tools, and then Pixels.

Now when you do that, you either need to create a pixel, there is going to be a big button saying ‘Create Pixel’. But if you have a pixel, what you will want to do is to get the pixel ID. So this is the pixel ID right here on the top right-hand corner once you enter into your pixel dashboard. So you will want to copy the pixel ID from your Facebook account and then you’ll want to come to the back-end of your Shopify store.

From the back-end of your Shopify store, you’ll want to click on ‘Online store’ under Sales channels. When you do that, it’s going t pull out a sub-menu and from. And from the Online store sub-menu, you ‘ll want to click on Preferences. That, is going to bring to your store’s preferences.

You can edit your Title tag, your google analytics and stuff like that. But what we’re concerned about is the Facebook pixel. So what you’re going to do is to just paste your pixel under the box that’s there and you click ‘Save’: you scroll down to the button of the page, mine’s grayed out because there is nothing to save here. So when you scroll down to the very button of the page right there is going to be a ‘Save’ button and that’s it. Your pixel is integrated to Shopify.

All it takes is copying the pixel ID from your Facebook account, come over to your online store preferences and save that into Facebook and you are going to have a Facebook pixel active on your store. So get that done and I’ll see you in the next video.

Online Advertising 101

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