What is my secret to growing over 500 Coursenvy clients Instagram following by an average of 1500% in under a year?
One of our client’s favorite parts of us managing their social media for them is growing their Instagram following! While social media ads, for the most part, are how we grow the following for our clients Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, Pinterest, etc., Instagram is still one of the platforms that we see the highest follow rate from via MANUAL engagement with our target audiences. As I’m sure most of you know firsthand, this process of manually engaging, commenting, liking and following users on Instagram is a timely process. Plus with the updates by Instagram, the use of bots to do these tasks are no longer allowed, causing many Instagram bot websites to be shut down (see R.I.P. Instagress).
We are upfront with our clients and tell them we do outsource this part of their monthly social media marketing budget to a third party at cost. Who is this company we trust for outsourcing our Instagram work, you may be asking? Kicksta!
Kicksta collaborates with us to design and develop a campaign that connects our client’s with the people who love what their Instagram handle and brand is all about. Click the banner below to give Kicksta a try: https://www.coursenvy.com/kickstagram-trial/
Kicksta Trial
Give Kicksta a try for just ONE QUARTER (like we did!) and you’ll see why we (and our clients) are hooked! https://www.coursenvy.com/kickstagram-trial/
Kicksta FAQ
1. Why your brand should be on Instagram
2. How to take advantage of the new Instagram poll feature
3. How to master Instagram stories
4. Beating low engagement rates
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Learn How to Create Captivating Visuals, Grow Your Following, and Drive Engagement on Instagram. Download the Ultimate Guide to Instagram Marketing