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Best MBA Alternatives? The Top 6 Alternative MBA Options of 2024

Updated: Feb 27

Do you have a business idea? Are you looking to level up in your career? Do you want that competitive advantage in your business? An MBA may sound like a great option until you see the six-figure price tag! That is why we have compiled the top 6 MBA alternatives of 2022.

1. Take the Best Online MBA Alternatives

Check out the best online MBA alternatives on the course / creator marketplace, Gumroad:

2. Join an Entrepreneurship or Business Mastermind Group

Have you heard the Jim Rohn quote, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Think about this… these people close to you affect your conversations, attitude, habits, and so much more! By joining a business-minded group or mastermind, you will surround yourself with like-minded people that will help propel your business and life forward. I personally am in (and highly suggest) the Entrepreneur Organization.

Find Your Tribe!

3. Start a Business

Trial by fire… this is the best MBA alternative! There is nothing quite like learning how to master business by DOING it. I like the analogy of jumping out of an airplane and building your parachute as you freefall. Now it is not that scary… but starting a business does teach you lessons you would never have learned by simply reading a book. Creating and launching a business is the best education you can invest in!

4. Get a Mentor

To fast-track ANYTHING in your life, I suggest finding a mentor. Learn from those who have accomplished what YOU want. Now you don’t need to ask this person, “Hey, can you be my mentor?” Finding a mentor can be as simple as taking a course from an expert in the field of study you want to master! So if you want to get an MBA-level mentor, you want to find someone with an MBA and/or teaching MBA courses.

5. Start an Accountability Group

Now even if you follow all of these alternative MBA options, you will still need to have accountability to achieve your business-related goals. This is why I suggest you join or create an accountability group. This can simply be a group of 3 to 6 like-minded people that meet up once a month to hold each other accountable.

Goals Setting + Accomplishing 101

If you write down a goal and don’t tell anyone it, the chances you will accomplish that goal are near 0%. But if you share your goal with somebody who will “check you” and motivate you monthly, you are MUCH MORE likely to succeed.

6. Join the Best MBA Alternative

Guess what?! These first 5 options are all part of the BEST MBA ALTERNATIVE program already… the! Yes, in the modMBA you not only get to master business, marketing, eCommerce, finances, and more in the coursework included, but you will also get to launch a business (or launch a NEW revenue stream for your current business) and pitch it to investors! You will also have the option to join a Mastermind/Accountability group with your fellow modMBA peers. You will also get mentorship, lessons, and a private support community with industry experts helping you with every step of your business!

The Cost-Effective Option (PLUS a Top Rated Alternative MBA Ranking) – The modMBA

Get all of these alternative MBA options in one convenient bundle with the modMBA!

What is the modMBA?

The modMBA is a modern approach to the traditional MBA. You will learn how to grow and scale your business with proven, real world tools and strategies.

7-week MBA Alternative Program

This 7-week MBA alternative program (part-time + 100% online) focuses on marketing strategies to increase your sales and reach more customers, while reducing costs and increasing your productivity.


While you won’t earn a Master of Business Administration degree, you will learn nearly everything taught in an MBA program and much more! The modMBA is an informal, unaccredited workshop. The modMBA is not a licensed educational institution, nor are they an accredited post-secondary school offering you a degree.

The modMBA isn’t your typical online course… think of this workshop more as a vehicle for changing your personal and professional life for the better!

This MBA Alternative cuts through the “fluff and fillers” of typical courses, teaching you the real-life lessons you need to be successful in business. The goal is to provide you with INSANE value or your money back guaranteed, no questions asked!

Enroll in the Top-Rated Alternative to an MBA at

BONUS: Top 10 Proven Marketing Tactics to SKYROCKET Your Business Overnight

We are granting access to our free course for the first 100 people only! Sign up now before we close this offer: Top 10 Proven Marketing Tactics Course

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