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Writer's pictureCoursenvy

The 15 Best Facebook Pages You've Ever Seen

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Building a masterpiece of a Facebook page can be difficult… but we think these 15 Facebook pages have gotten pretty close to perfect! Make sure to research your own niche on Facebook to see what your direct competition is doing, but we feel you can learn a ton from the best Facebook pages too!

Focus on the profile photo, cover photo, CTA button, tabs, posts (what gets amazing engagement and what doesn’t). You need to be able to drop someone who doesn’t know a THING about your brand onto your page and in 30 seconds they will have a CRYSTAL clear image of what you do, what is your mission and what is your brand all about!

Check out these Facebook pages and pluck what you can from each to implement on your own Facebook page! Remember, your competitors (if they are a large brand) usually have a TEAM of social media marketers working on their content and social media accounts… this is why it is ok to “take influence” (cough COPY cough) from them as you grow your Facebook page!

And make sure to check out our entire online marketing mastery course, the modMBA.

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